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Seeing the difference I have made- Tammy's Spotlight

Katie Sylvis

This week we are introducing our #AmeriCorps members serving across the state for #AmeriCorpsWeek. Tammy Yescas is serving as a Community Outreach AmeriCorps member at Habitat for Humanity of Marion County, Iowa in Pella. Currently Tammy has been creating a comprehensive homeowner manual and guide for the local Habitat Homeowners so they can be successful long after Habitat’s help.

If you are interested in becoming a Habitat Iowa AmeriCorps member please visit our website to learn more

Learn more about her AmeriCorps experience

What inspired you to serve? 

I was finding it very difficult to see meaning in my life after the accidental death of my oldest son Javier. I came to see I could honor him by honoring the things we had done as a family, volunteer and outreach.

What do you enjoy most about serving?

I enjoy seeing the difference I have made in the life of somebody I have helped. I like seeing they are employed, safer, more knowledgeable, whatever the outcome, I like to see how their lives have improved because I was able to help them.

What do you like most about your Habitat for Humanity?

I like all 3 people I work with. They are very passionate about helping people obtain safe, decent, affordable housing and I think they are very committed to that promise. I see them working with the community formally in the office, and informally in their own time and it is a great group to be a part of.

What is one thing you learned in the last month?

Nobody does anything of merit alone.


Habitat for Humanity of Iowa

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Phone: 515-266-6886

Address: 809 8th Street SW Suite F Altoona, Iowa 50009


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