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I enjoy “learning and working with some interesting people”- Xavier's Spotlight

Katie Sylvis

It’s #AmeriCorpsWeek and we’re highlighting another member across the state. Xavier joined us this winter at Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity as a Construction AmeriCorps Member over the winter. As a member Xavier was able to learn a lot of new things and help out the core construction teams even in the cold Iowa weather.

Xavier enjoyed “learning and working with some interesting people” and especially felt like “It was fun to work with many different people” in the Iowa Valley staff and volunteers teams.  When asked why join our team, he said “I like being helpful to people and I want to get the experience in construction to be able to build houses especially in communities that been destroyed or in areas that are behind on housing needs.”


If you are interested in becoming a Habitat Iowa AmeriCorps member, please visit our website to learn more


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Phone: 515-266-6886

Address: 809 8th Street SW Suite F Altoona, Iowa 50009


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