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an avenue to serve while also learning valuable skills - Logan's Spotlight

Katie Sylvis
Two people slicing wood with a circular saw
Logan learning how to properly use a circular saw

Logan Conley is currently serving as a construction associate with the Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity this summer. This position is currently fits right into her college requirements with Iowa State University.

Logan is currently serving with the Home Preservation Team which means her days are always different from putting up grab bars to installing ramps to help community members stay in their homes longer.

We asked Logan a few questions about her summer service.

What inspired you to serve?

I have always loved giving gifts, and I think serving is a way to give beneficial gifts to those in need of them. Habitat allows me an avenue to be able to serve in a way that I would not be able to independently, while also learning valuable trade skills.

What do you enjoy most about serving? I enjoy interacting with those that benefit and see the impact that service will have in their lives. The gratitude and joy makes everything worth it!

smiling woman in university marching band uniform
Logan in her ISU marching band uniform

What do you like most about your Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity Team? So far, I love the culture! Everyone is clearly passionate about helping people in their community, which creates a strong and welcoming environment both for employees and homeowners.

What's a fun fact that people may not know about you? I'm in the Iowa State Cyclone Marching Band!

Logan is making the most of her summer by serving and learning in the greater Des Moines community. If you also want to learn skills, earn morning, and serve your community check out to open positions for this summer and fall.

Habitat for Humanity of Iowa

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Phone: 515-266-6886

Address: 809 8th Street SW Suite F Altoona, Iowa 50009


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