Disaster Crew Leaders Home
Habitat for Humanity of Iowa has set volunteers to help when responding to disasters locally in Iowa. This page is a resource for becoming a Disaster Crew Leader and for those who are looking for more training and resources.
Upcoming events:
Chainsaw Safety and proper use - Iowa City, May 23 and 24th
What is a Disaster Crew Leader?
A Disaster Crew Leader (DCL) is a local Habitat staff member or lead volunteer, who will be trained and certified by the DR3 Committee to lead a specific disaster activity when the need arises. The DCL will lead groups of volunteers, AmeriCorps Members, or Habitat Staff on disaster sites in Iowa. This would be a long-term volunteer position. The DCL is someone who is willing to volunteer over multiple years to continue to develop disaster response skills through training and practice.
How to Join?
If you are interested in joining our group and looking to start training, please reach out to Info@iowahabitat.org.
Potentials DCLs should also speak with supervisors about the project to ensure construction schedules will allow for time away from the construction site.
To join contact info@iowahabitat.org
Past Disasters
Habitat Iowa has responded to many Iowa (and outside of Iowa) disasters with Habitat staff and AmeriCorps members. ​
Recent disaster activities:
Marshalltown Tornado in 2018 - Debris removal, stabilization of homes
SW Iowa flooding in 2019 - mucking and gutting of flooded homes
Derecho 2020 - debris removal and stabilization of homes
Madison County Tornados in 2022 - Managed the volunteer reception center, debris removal
Check out our facebook page for more!
Keep Updated on Trainings
We have gathered trainings from a variety of resources we have found helpful for new and old disaster crew leaders.
Please click here to find our list
Additional Resources
Disaster Crew Leader FAQ and Acronyms
what to expect on disaster